Welcome to 883 Air Commodore Leonard Birchall RCACS. The Canadian Cadet Organization is one of the largest federally sponsored youth organizations. It consists of the Air, Army, and Sea Cadet programs. The organization is open to all youth aged 12-18 who come from all walks of life. 
Cadets learn a variety of subject matter including citizenship, leadership, teamwork, fitness and various other life skills. This is done through many different, fun, and challenging training activities and exercises. In particular, Air Cadets also learn the principles of aviation and can earn their glider or power pilot license through scholarships. 

Unit Information

Wednesday Nights1830-2130 hrs

Middlefield CI525 Highglen Ave, Markham, ON

Enrolling Information

See the Join Us page for application package and more information!
Visit www.cadets.ca for more information on the cadet program.

Featured News

13th Annual Ceremonial Review

Annual Ceremonial Review (ACR) is an annual ceremony held in June of each year to mark the conclusion of our training year. With all our cadets' hard work starting in September, this ceremony is an opportunity to showcase to their families, friends and the community what they have accomplished. We are pleased to invite all parents/guardians and families to join us in celebrating our cadets on 9 June 2024. Please check our Announcements page for more details! 
Training Location ChangeBeginning 8 May until 5 June (Wednesdays only), we will be parading at Randall Public School. With our Annual Ceremonial Review around the corner, the space we require for our preparation is crucial. Please do not show up to Middlefield CI for the remainder of this training year. 

Online Registration Tool

Interested in joining our squadron? There is an online registration tool available to help you out! To start, click here, enter 883 as the Unit Name and proceed with all the required information. We will then receive an email and will arrange for the completion of further required enrolment forms as necessary. Our next intake will begin SEPTEMBER 2024
Show Your Support!As a non-profit organization, we heavily rely on donations and contributions to fund our local program. With the support from our community, our cadets are provided opportunities beyond the limits of a classroom. Interested in showing your support? We have an online donation system that can be found here. Thank you in advance! 
Yearbook 2023Take a look at our digital yearbook here!

Upcoming Dates

9 June: 13th Annual Ceremonial Review

Follow us!

The Markham Lions Club is the official sponsor of 883 RCACS